Wednesday, February 5, 2014

living "as-if" 5 months in

February 19, 2012


It’s been a day and a half of love and beauty as I once again experimented with living my life “as-if” I’ve forgiven, “as-if” I trust Alan.  It’s been good.  Last night I slipped.  AS I looked in the mirror yesterday to try to see myself and remember who I am and that God loves me and that this situation isn’t my fault, I felt the confirming witness of the Holy Ghost that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father who loves me, that this isn’t my fault, that I am lovable, beautiful and that His Grace is upon me.  I felt those beautiful feelings and the pain.  Oh how difficult and beautiful this affliction is.  For the blessings are tremendous – things I’ve desired my whole life are unfolding as miracles in my life.  I’m learning to love God, I’m remembering who I am, I know my mission & purpose in life, I am blessed on every hand, I am surrounded by love, support, friendship, sisterhood, priesthood power, help and the love of God all the time. 


I know that it will be okay, that God will provide and get me through this.  I know that it will be alright – even beautiful and amazing in the end.  Where I am is where I am supposed to be.  Even though I feel such loss and grief for what is lost – I have only lost something broken and I know that the Lord’s way, His plan are to restore my soul and my blessings, even exceedingly abundantly more than I could hope for or imagine.  I do know that that is true.  I’ve lost sight of that last night & this morning, but I know that it is true.  I know that He loves me perfectly, that His hand is over all, that He is with me all the time, every moment.  If I look up and reach for him – He will run to me,

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