Monday, November 11, 2013

Hooray, Church can be good

I keep meaning to journal about this, but I'm here at my computer just having sent links to the SALifeline book and the Rowboats and Marbles book  to our new bishopric.

Since I'm here...I had a beautiful Sunday yesterday including the Church part!  It's a miracle I tell you.  I can't remember the last totally positive day at church I've had.  Maybe it helped that we met with the bishopric before church and shared a little about our recovery journey with them.  Maybe it was just a good day.  But Sacrament meeting was good, I thought the talks were great, can't remember what they were about.  I had my candy & my kiddos were good. Then we had a combined Priesthood & RS meeting with Dan Oakes  our favorite SAtherapist.  He was great, the congregation seemed to respond well and I was so happy that we were at church.  I seriously can't remember the last time I was glad I had gone.

So smiles to you all from me!