Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Tandem Bike

When I first met Christ
It seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride,
But it was a tandem bike,
And I noticed that Christ
Was in the back helping me pedal.
I don't know just when it was that
He suggested we change places,
But life has not been the same since.
When I had control, I knew the way,
It was rather boring, but predictable...
It was the shortest distance between two points.
But when He took the lead,
He knew delightful long cuts,
Up mountains, and through rocky places,
At breakneck speeds,
It was all I could do to hang on!
Even though it looked like madness,
He said, "Pedal"
I worried and was anxious and asked,
"Where are you taking me?"
He laughed and didn't answer,
And I started to learn to trust.
I forgot my boring life
And entered into the adventure.
And when I'd say, "I'm scared,"
He'd lean back and touch my hand.
He took me to people with gifts that I needed.
Gifts of healing, acceptance, and joy.
He said, "Give the gifts away;
They're extra baggage, too much weight."
So I did, I gave them to the people we met,
And I found that in giving I received,
And still our burden was light.
I did not trust Him, at first, In control of my life.
I thought He'd wreck it;
But He knows bike secrets,
Knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners,
Knows how to jump to clear high rocks,
Knows how to fly to shorten scary passages.
And I am learning to shut up
and pedal in the strangest places,
And I'm beginning to enjoy the view
And the cool breeze on my face
With my delightful constant companion, Jesus Christ.
And when I'm sure I just can't do anymore,
He just smiles and says...

A letter to me

October 24, 2013

A letter to me.

Something scary is headed your way.  You know, you have always know that this picture perfect life of yours is too good to be true.  It will hit you.  You won’t expect it but you’ll walk in on it and some things will suddenly make sense.  You will see that something has been wrong all along just as you suspected.  But you will see that it wasn’t you.  Jesus Christ will pick you up in that moment and he will carry you in his arms for an entire week.

Trust your gut.  God will guide you.  Reach out to the people you feel you can lean on.  Open your mouth, you’ll find that every woman you talk to has been right where you are.  The women who haven’t or haven’t yet admitted it to themselves will be supportive and loving and help you through this too. 

Run away if you want to, pack up those sweet beautiful innocent little girls and take them wherever you want to.  You’ll have so much fun.  Your life is going to be filled with love and joy and happiness you haven’t experienced since you were a little girl (only this time you can kick out the people who say mean things to you).

Go to the temple, God will speak to you there.  Come up with your plans, God will confirm them for you. 

Spend money, get hiking gear and spend every available moment on your mountain, God will come to you there.  Your heavenly parents will meet you there, they’ll sing to you, they’ll help you remember what you already know and were to look to find it.

Get babysitters – as often as you want. You’ll take a whole week off in October, it’ll be one of the best choices you’ve ever made.  Jesus will come to you, he’ll place angels right in front of you as you go to the temple every single day.

You are going to have some scary moments.  You are going to have some things happen to you that have never happened before.  You are going to feel prickly all over your chest and it’s going to spread over your whole body from there and it’s going to be paralyzing and fill you with fear and you’re going to think that perhaps the devil is trying to take over your soul – He’s not!  It’s a panic attack, you’ll get some medication for that too and you’ll learn to deal with it.  It’s just another experience of this life and this journey.  Ask for blessings, do what you feel like doing.  God is walking right alongside you, protecting and guiding you as He always has.

You’re going to remember the scariest moments of your childhood in vivid detail when you least expect it and it’s going to shake you and bring on panic attacks and you’re going to be so scared and A’s going to scared too.  But in these moments you’ll see something new, something you never noticed before.  You’ll see that Jesus Christ was there with you.  When you were so frightened and felt so small and alone and your belief in goodness smashed piece by piece, you’ll see that Jesus was with you, holding you and protecting you.  He never left your side.  He protected you.  He knew that you would go through these things and come out okay and more like Him because of what you’ve seen and felt.  He felt it too.

You are loved, you are so loved.  Your family is trying to tell you this but you can’t hear it.  You can’t believe it.  You don’t feel worthy of it.  You are afraid that what your dad told you might be true: that you might be lazy and worthless, and just a woman, and that you aren’t as good as the other members of your family.  But IT’S NOT TRUE!  You are not alone.  You have never been alone.  God will put the people in your life – as he always has – who will help you to remember who you are.

Keep trying to accept reality.  It will become a beautiful and welcoming place and you won’t have to work at maintaining your walls anymore.  Surrendering your walls and your army will become one of your greatest joys as you allow the King and His army to fight for you.  He’ll keep you save and He’ll lead your way, when you let Him.  It’s simple and beautiful and the “easy road” the hardest part is letting go of the defenses you’ve been working your whole life to build.

It’s going to get worse.  You are going to loose some battles you’ve been fighting.  But it’s going to be okay.  There are people who love you, who want to come to your side and help you.  And you’ll have to get to a point where you can’t even get out of bed to be ready to ask for help.  That’s okay.  They’ll come.  Your sisters will come and they will sit with you and cry with you and rub your hands and make phone calls and get you to where you need to go to take your first steps of healing.


You are going to need some medication to get you through.  It is Okay.  It is Okay.  You are okay and medication is okay.  Depression is not your fault.  Depression is not a failure.  Depression is a medical condition and you are blessed to live in a time and place with resources to get the medication you need to get you through this.  You will spend hours crying a puddle on the bathroom floor.  That’s okay.  You will feel so alone and so low.  You are not alone.  Not ever.  Jesus Christ is with you.  You will come to see that He has never left your side.

You’re going to spend a week at a spa and it’s going to be the best decision you ever made.  You’ll be ready.  Jesus will come to you again and you’ll meet your heavenly mother and she will become the beacon in your life.  She will give you the gift of perspective and she will hold you until you know that everything is going to be okay.

Slow down.  It’s okay to not have the girls in activities.

Say no.  It’s a sentence.  No explanation needed.  No.

Do what feels right.  Say no to the rest.  When the relief society calls to ask if they can hold the Christmas party at your house again.  Say no.  You’ll be glad you did.

When the bishop comes over to call you into the primary presidency, say no or take a day to pray about it like you know you should.  (You won’t, you’ll say yes and you’ll know immediately that it wasn’t where God wanted you to be.  It’s okay, you’ll get stronger and you’ll ask to be released and it will be okay.)

When the bishop begins to interrogate you about your testimony, stand up and walk out – everyone will be better off for it.  (You won’t but it would have been lovely)  You’ll survive, you’ll reach out again to the people you trust and you’ll find again that your family loves and supports you.  You’ll be stronger for the experience.

You will lose your testimony of the church.  It’s okay.  Jesus Christ won’t leave you.  God will send angels again to strengthen you when you are most vulnerable and attacked by those who should be shepherding your soul.  He’ll remind you that to be a true believer you must first doubt every aspect that is to become a solid stepping stone.  That’s the plan, that’s your path.  Embrace it, I have a feeling it won’t be the last time you’ll walk alone.  Your husband is awesome through this.  He’ll never threaten you about it.  He’ll stand by your side, he’ll listen to your ideas and beliefs, and he’ll be your best friend through it.

Keep going to 12 step.  These women will become your truest friends, the link that keeps you in the church.  God will use you.  He will show you the path and open your mouth and you will become his minister, his hands. 

Keep reaching out to the women who inspire you, they too are warrior women.  Together you will lift hands and hearts.  You will help other women find their voices and remember who they are.  You will help them to find the happiness God intended for all of you all along. 

Be brave.


Open your heart – God’s got your back.

Rock Bottom

June 8, 2012
I've been living in a bubble.  One I've worked my whole life to create.  Due to circumstances beyond my control my bubble has shattered and I am working to gain the strength & tools I need to make living here in reality possible & as happy & comfortable as I can.

I had built these fortress walls to keep danger away.  I felt I had experienced enough hurt & drama & pain for one life in my years at home with my family of origin.  I learned how to keep myself small & out of the way, how to make contributions that would ease life at home and how to survey the mood before speaking or even entering an occupied room.  My parents seemed heavily taxed and often acted in ways that were out of control.

Any negative energy, words, actions I pulled into myself, blamed myself, tried to fix, internalized.  Every part of every wrong thing I related to myself.  My friends would notice that I apologized for everything and would tell me not to - that things were not my fault- not even related to me - out of my control.  But, I wanted to control my world, make sense of it, put order to it, believe in the goodness & good intentions of every person and live perfectly so that if we all would do our best - no one would get hurt, we would help and lift each other and the world would be a beautiful place.

I made plans and followed patterns & formulas, wanted guarantees and believed in them if they were offered.  I built up idols around me, found inspiration in the outsides of people I admired and viewed the world as black or white; all or nothing; all good or all bad...

I applauded myself for my hard work, sacrifice & good choices.  I gave people attributes I wanted them to have and let down my walls believing in the image I created and maintained of them by blaming myself for any behavior or result that didn't fit my model.

And now, I see a little more clearly that illusion is powerful.  That life & people are out of my control.  That my care and well being are up to me.  That I must function and that I should only function for myself and allow others to function for themselves.

The Road Less Traveled by: Scott Peck
"The entirety of one's adult life is a series of personal choices, decisions.  If they can accept this totally, then they become free people.  To the extent that they do not accept this they will forever feel themselves victims."
"We must be totally dedicated to TRUTH"
"Mental health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs."
"We must constantly update our maps as we find truth & abandon untruth rather than transfer it simply on the basis that it worked in the past."
"The only way we can be certain that our map of reality is valid is to expose it to the criticism & challenge of other map makers."
"A life of TOTAL HONESTY - never speak a falsehood - act only from genuine love - be aware of the tightrope and tendency to be wrong."
"By their openness people dedicated to truth life in the open, and through the exercise of their courage to live in the open, they become free from fear." (63)

F.A.K. First Aid Kit

When my husband started working with his therapist he advised him to create a first aid kit.  So my husband put together a box of mementos that he could hold and look at when he was struggling.  They were pictures and movie stubs and items that reminded him of good times and the things that are important to him.  Over time, I found I needed my own first aid kit.

This is it.

It's a little notebook that fits in my purse and I take it everywhere with me.

These are the entries:
*Contacts:  people I can call & their phone numbers *there are people who know about the addiction and people who don't. My therapist's number is there along with my massage therapist's number:)
*Angels - a list of people who were in my life at just the right time, people I know God put in my life to help me along in my journey
*Miracles - a list of events/people/places/programs I recognize as miracles in my life
*Smile - a list of things that make me smile
*Who I am - the things I am remembering and learning about me
*Goals - a list of goals/ bucket list
*Lessons - a list of the lessons I have learned and am learning along this journey
*Wisdom - quotes I love
*Illustrations - a few drawings by my kiddos
*Activities for me - a list of things I can do/like to do
*Activities for my kids - a list of quick and easy things I can do with them or easily arrange for them to do.

One of my biggest struggles through this journey has been depression.  When depression hits me it hits HARD and it sucks me into a dark place where I can't think and I don't want to carry on.  I can't think of things that make me smile.  I can't remember good things in my life.  I get overwhelmed thinking about how to entertain my kids and I forget that there are things I like to do.

So, I have this book, it's with me and it has reminders of people I can call and things I can do and memories that remind me that I do love life and want to live and that I am a unique and amazing person.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Motion sickness

June 9, 2012
As much as I love roller coaster, I'm ready to dismantle this one.  The ups & downs are terrifying and the pain has finally (?) become too much to bear.  I've been resisting letting go of my old map.  It is sad - so sad for me to let it go.  I've spent my whole life gathering the tools & skills I'd need, charting my course, setting my goals & pushing through obsticles along the way.
This is uncharted territory for me and it's about work & views and it's me & God & all my helpers seen & unseen.
It's about setting a healthy example
It's about taking life as it comes & making the best of it
It's about asking for help when I need it and helping when I can
It's about remembering
  1. I am NOT in control, I can't do it alone
  2. GOD CAN
  3. I will let Him (take care of me and give everything to God)
  4. I'll uncover the layers as I go
  5. I'll open my heart to God as I go along, I'll seek a sounding board when I need help with clarity
  6. I'll identify my weaknesses
  7. I'll ask God to heal my heart
  8. I'll work on my relationships
  9. I'll meet others 1/2 way or more
  10. I'll check in with God everyday and repent and think of what I can do better
  11. I'll ask God what He wants me to do.  I'll listen.  I'll spend time in scriptures & meditating.  I'll do what I can .  I'll trust in the Lord to make up the difference.
  12. I'll help & welcome others & honestly share, I'll invite, I'll pray for my sisters.
TIME, it takes so much time.
Life HURTS - so we can learn
God LOVES - they're all good things
I can only GIVE if I take CARE of me first
This whole journey has been horrific.  Each step has felt more painful than the last.  I love to hike & life is like climbing a mountain - so hard but worth all the effort.  I can't help but thing though that I wouldn't like hiking so much if there were broken bones, blood and depression along the way.  I suppose if I went through life without having to overcome major maladies/painful challenges I'd feel ripped off in the end.
Life is suffering.
It is.
But the suffering & lows lead us to greater heights, greater understanding, greater ability to help others along on their paths.